Characterization of Distributed Systems

{:.note} Related reading: - Chapter 1 - Characterization of Distributed Systems - Chapter 2 - System Models


  • in-person: tuesday/thursday 11:30-12:45 in Haag 201
  • office hours (monday 3-4pm): zoom link
  • exams: open-book
  • preferred communication: canvas
  • preferred language for homework: python or go


homework (4)40%
programming (2)20%
midterm exam20%
final exam20%
  • midterm exam and final exam are mutually exclusive, final not comprehensive

What is a Distributed System?

  • distributed!
    • message passing
    • no single point of failure
  • system!
    • more than one entity
    • working in tandem


  • collection of automata whose distribution is transparent to the user so the system appears as one machine
  • usually use some kind of “client-server” organization

{:.def term=“Distributed System (Tanenbaum)”} A collection of independent computers that appear to the users of the system as a single computer.

{:.def term=“Distributed System (textbook)”} A system in which hardware or software components located at networked computers communicate and coordinate their actions only by passing messages.

A message has some sort of semantic meaning - more than just bits and bytes

A communication network itself is not a distributed system unless certain “applications” are running on it

  • applications are the primary clients of a distributed system
  • it’s not the network that matters, it’s the application that matters
    • (“matters” when defining a distributed system)

{:.def term=“Distributed System (class)”} A collection of entities, each of which is autonomous, programmable, and failure-prone, and which communicate through an unreliable communication medium.

  • Entity: a “process” on a device
  • Communication media: wired or wireless

Three main aspects:

  • distributed algorithms
    • group communication, consensus, time synchronization
  • distributed services
    • remote invocation, replication, security
  • distributed systems
    • distributed hash tables
    • p2p systems
    • cloud computing

Attributes of distributed systems:

  • concurrency
  • no global clocks
  • independent failures
    • distributed systems can be characterized by the independence of the participating nodes

{:.def term=“Cloud Computing”} The term applied to distributed computing infrastructure packaged as a utility - computing resources are rented rather than owned by end-users.

The cloud computing model can be applied to physical resources as well as logical resources.

Challenges in Distributed Systems

  • heterogeneity
  • openness
    • can be extended and reimplemented in various ways
  • security
  • scalability
  • failure handling
  • transparency
    • system perceived as a whole rather than a collection of independent components

System Models

Physical Models

  • baseline physical model
    • a set of computers connected by a network

Architectural Models

  • “computers” are replaced with “entities”
    • abstract transformation
  • communication entities
    • processes: executing programs
    • processes communicate
    • from programming perspective, more abstractions are possible
      • objects (OOP style)
      • components
        • objects and related dependencies
      • web services
        • combines objects and components as a “service”
        • exposes APIs for other process/applications to call
  • communication paradigms
    • direct communication
      • Interprocess Communication (IPC)
        • low-level
      • Remote Invocation (RI)
        • two-way exchange of messages between entities
        • several methods
          • request-reply protocols
          • remote procedure call (RPC)
            • one process calls procedure/function in another process
          • remote method invocation (RMI)
            • RPC in the context of distributed objects
        • sender sends to receiver
        • both know each other and exist at the same time
        • “coupled” in space and time
    • indirect communication
      • uncoupled
        • senders don’t know who they’re sending to
          • space uncoupled
        • senders and receivers do not exist at the same time
          • time uncoupled
      • key techniques
        • group communication
        • pubsub
        • message queues
        • tuple spaces
        • distributed shared memory
  • roles and responsibilities
    • most popular model: client-server architecture
      • roles:
        • clients “request”
        • servers “reply” or “respond”
    • peer-to-peer architecture
      • no single node acts as server
      • all nodes act as clients and servers
        • all are “peers”
      • examples: bittorrent, blockchain
  • architectural patterns
    • layering (popular)
      • vertical “stack” of services where lower-level services provide abstract interfaces for higher-level services to call

Fundamental Models

  • three questions:
    • what are the main entities in the system?
    • how do they interact?
    • what are the characteristic that affect their individual and collective behavior?
  • sender sends “messages” to a receiver through a “channel”
    • two basic/primitive operations:
      • send
      • receive
  • properties of the communication channel:
    • latency
    • bandwidth
    • jitter

{:.def term=“Distributed Algorithm”} A sequence of steps, including sending and receiving of messages and update internal state within each process.

  • two variants based on bound on timing of events
  • synchronous systems
    • take bounded (lower and/or upper) time for
      • executing each step of a process
      • receiving a message after the message has been transmitted
      • bounded clock drift
  • asynchronous systems
    • have no known bound on how much time it can take on an operation

Ordering of Events

The order in which messages are received cannot take the order those messages are sent into account

  • asynchronous nature of distributed systems

Failure Model

| class of failure | affects | description | |||| |fail-stop | process| | crash|process | |omission |channel | | send-omission|process | |receive-omission |process | | arbitrary (byzantine)|process or channel |

timing failures:

  • clock
    • affects process
    • process’s local clock exceeds bounds on rate of drift from real time
  • performance
    • process
      • process exceeds bounds on interval between two steps
    • channel
      • a message’s transmission takes longer than the stated bound

Major Questions in this Course

What are the entities and how do they communicate? What sorts of failures are we assuming?

  • fail-stop
  • omission
  • arbitrary (byzantine)